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Friday, May 21, 2021

Are we Teaching Racism to the Children?

 Hi, I just saw a video that almost made me cry, a video with a young boy trying to have fun on the playground, but he couldn't. And even though his mom was there with him, they weren't allowed to enter because they were challenged. challenged not by bad weather or a broken slide or an illness. They were challenged by the color of their skin. Racism is horrible. It's always bad. But this time, it hit me because it was caused by young children. They laughed at that boy, they called him a monkey, and even hit him in front of his mom, like he didn't matter. Like he wasn't good enough to use that slide. Like he was into humans into a human. After many more tries, the boy and mom moved away to an empty area of the duck playground. Finally, the boy could have some fun as he sued. 

But as soon as he started playing, the same children screamed at him. They couldn't accept the fact that he was still there, to the point that they approached him and his mom again, called them names, and even hit that boy in front of his mom again. And at that point, she knew that the best way was the way out, she took the boy and left that playground passing by the parents who played with their children who sat on the benches right next to them fully ignoring what just happened. This is crazy. What do you think about this? What do your friends and family think about this?  and as I used to be just like these patterns, back in the day, if I saw it happen next to me, I wouldn't react. But not anymore. I know. The next time I see something like this, I won't let it happen. And so should you no matter how old you are, at home and school outdoors, never be accepting of racism. Because what's most shocking to me is not just the fact that such young children can be racist nowadays, or the parents can let it happen so carelessly, but also how patiently this mom reacted to it as if it's an everyday lie, as if this happened many more times before and to her is not an expected anymore. This is her normal.

 Every single day, people all around the world experienced racism, “Dante was bullied so badly because of his race” someone says., “he had to change school”. It comes in many forms. And now we know that it also comes from people of many ages, every day, it makes humans lives harder. It makes them unable to feel equal to remove that label attached to them, just because of the color of their skin. We need to say a freaking loud no to racism so that we don't have young children growing up next to us thinking that this is the right way to be. We can't remove racism from this world just yet. But what we can do is to make sure that with each year with new generations, it will slowly die.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Lessons to be learnt after Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce


Bill and Melinda Gates, billionaire power couple now calling it “quit” a first step in what could be the most expensive divorce of all time, after an almost three-decade-long marriage for three children, the gates have separated. But why would a marriage this powerful split out who messed up? This is the story of their marriage. William Henry Bill Gates Berg has always been a genius who wrote his first computer program at the age of 13, who became a billion there at the age of 31. Even after dropping out of Harvard, Microsoft became huge. And it was also Microsoft that brought Bill and Melinda together Her words, “I came out and interviewed with Microsoft. And I just thought, Oh, my gosh, I have to work at this company. They are changing the world”. “And then it was only a week or so after that, that I went up Turn the parking lot

and asked if she wanted to go out ..”.Bill and  Melinda both grew up in a family where public service was encouraged. That is why they were constantly seeking places where their money can do the most good. Bills words” You know,

it was amazing. We have this fortune, it was gigantic, we didn't think would be great to give lots of that to our children. And it became something that you know, we get to do together”. Melinda's Words” we were engaged to be married. And after we have taken our first trip to Africa, actually a vacation, we were walking on the beach, and we committed at that point that we were going to give the vast majority of the resources for Microsoft back to society just it was the right thing for us to do.”

It was a wake-up call experience for both of them, their marriage became even stronger. And so bill took a huge risk and stepped down as CEO of Microsoft, she wanted to focus on something different with Melinda, he built a foundation and spent his full time changing the war Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has become one of the largest private charities in the history of the world. You may not like Bill Gates, but there is no denying that together with his wife, he has changed

millions of lives.  Melinda's Words “We are running this place together. This is our joint values being played

out in the world.”  It's made them one of the most powerful marriages in the world, the one that would last forever. They sponsored 1000s of young people to attend college and spend billions on educational causes. They pledged 10 billion to help medical research and development zones a 5.5 billion efforts to eradicate polio by 2018. And in the end, India was certified polio-free by the World Health Organization.

Melinda Words”122 million children's lives have been saved through immunization, better nutrition, and disease prevention. areas in which the Gates Foundation has been a leading funder”

Their marriage formed champs that help prevent childhood deaths.

Bills words” smallpox was killing a couple nine kids a year that was eradicated so that got down to zero. measles was killing a couple million a year that's down to a few 100,000”.

And they also committed $300 million to help farmers in Africa and Asia cope with climate change. And on top of all of that, both of them pledge to give away 95% of their wealth and inspired more than 120 billionaires to do the same. When you add up all of the people they both inspired and the money they gave away. It's almost hard to believe that after all these years they could divorce

Melinda's words “to know that one life has breathed easier because you've lived to me that success”. Now,

after 27 years of being married, they are no longer together. And that is proved that there is no perfect couple in the world. You can change the whole world build an everlasting impact and still fail at your marriage. May this be a reminder to everyone in relationships to love and take care of your partner because there is no impact, no passion, no money big enough that can make a relationship last forever. If you don't work hard every single day showing that you truly want to be together. In many relationships sooner or later we'll have to face the difficulty of saying the tough.

Monday, November 30, 2020

What if black holes and white holes collide??

 If you solve Einstein's field equations, you can predict that black holes should exist. But you also predict another thing that exists called a white hole. Now, white holes are similar to black holes. There is a different solution to the field equations and they have some different properties. One of these properties is that instead of nothing being able to escape the event horizon like a black hole for a white hole, what it means is that nothing can enter the event horizon. So nothing can go into a white hole, whereas nothing can come out of a black hole. So a white hole and a black hole are very similar. A white hole is just a tiny reverse black hole in relativity. It's important to choose your coordinate system wisely because time and space depend on gravity and speed. Now, the easiest way to understand the difference between a white hole and a black hole is to talk about a coordinate system in which you're free falling. In this coordinate system, a black hole appears as though it is sucking in space-time. So space-time is ever-flowing inward towards the center of the black hole. But for a white hole, space-time is always flowing outward away from the center of the white hole. So remember that in a free-falling coordinate system, black holes are sucking in space-time and white holes are spewing out space-time. Now here's where it gets interesting. So for a black hole, it's always sucking in space-time. And the closer you get to the center of the black hole, the faster it's sucking in space-time. So, for example, picture a drain with water flowing as you're further away.

The water is not flowing very fast, but as it gets closer and closer to the center of the drain, as speeds up faster and faster until it gets extremely fast right at the center of the drain.

Now, at the very center of the black hole is a singularity. And at that point, space-time is getting sucked in at an infinite rate. But that's not the interesting part of the interesting part is a little bit away from the singularity called the event horizon at the event horizon. That is the point at which space-time is flowing inward at the speed of light. So that means exactly at the event horizon, light cannot escape because space-time itself is being sucked inward at the speed of light. And so photons can't go any faster than that. So they're forever held at the event horizon. Now, inside the event horizon of a black hole, time is flowing faster than the speed of light. And so that's why nothing can ever escape from the black hole, because inside the event horizon, Space-Time itself is moving faster than light and nothing can move faster than light, so it can never escape it. Now, this still doesn't violate Einstein's law that says nothing can move faster than the speed of light because that law is talking about objects in space-time about each other. They can't move faster than the speed of light, but it's not talking about space-time directly. Space-time itself, while being sucked into the black hole can move faster than the speed of light.

So that's a black hole. But what about a white hole? Well, a white hole also has a singularity at the center. It's made of mass, just like a black hole. So that means it also has gravity. So objects are also attracted to it and get pulled towards it. But here's where it gets interesting. When an object gets pulled towards a white hole, the object never goes into the white hole, even though it's attracted to it. Well, remember I said the white holes, instead of sucking in space-time, they're spewing it out. It's flowing outward from the white hole. And so that means as an object gets closer and closer to the white hole space-time is pushing out. So let's say you are moving at the speed of light, going towards a white hole while Space-Time itself is moving against you this time.

So that means that you would just be completely stopped at the event horizon of the white hole. And since nothing can ever move faster than the speed of light, that means that nothing can get into the white hole, because at the event horizon, space-time is moving at the speed of light and nothing can go faster than it. So nothing can get inside of it. Now, inside the event horizon, spacetime is moving faster than the speed of light going in the opposite direction.

So you can see that a black hole and a white hole are similar. The only difference between them is the direction of the flow of space-time. Now, previously, I made a video about white holes, and in this video, I showed you a real-life experiment. Scientists have used to make predictions about white holes. It's a pretty simple experiment. All you need to do is turn on your kitchen sink.

Now, you may have overlooked the pattern. This pattern shows up whenever you have a stream of water hitting a flat surface below.

And it's kind of this wall of water that forms so you can define this inner circular area where I've taken a cross-section of it here, you can call the jump radius so you can show that anything within this jump radius, anything within these walls of water or this hydraulic jump area, you can show that the water is moving faster than the speed of wave propagation. So what that means is that if you were to make a little splash in the water, make a wave here, the waves could propagate out. But if you made a little splash in the water here, the speed of this water is faster than the speed of wave propagation in the water. And so the wave itself could never get past this hydraulic jump here. So now here's where the comparison comes in. Anything that's inside of this jump radius is the equivalent to anything that's within a white hole. And the hydraulic jump here is similar to the event horizon of a white hole. So what that means is that once something or some information leaves this hydraulic jump here, it can never come back in.

Now, let's say this food coloring represents information or some object coming out of the white hole. You can see that something can come out of the white hull. So I start within the event horizon and I let it come out and it comes out quite easily.

You come out, but you can see that once it's out, it can never come back in. It tries to come back in, but it can never get back in. If I try to get anything in it, try-hard. It can never get back inside of it.

So what would a real white hole look like? What we now know what a real black hole looks like. So first, let's see a real black hole, and then I'll show you what happens. If that black hole were white, how it would look different.

So here's a rendering of the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

The first thing that you'll notice is that it's not very black at all. It's extremely bright. Now, the reason it's so bright is that it's constantly spewing out radiation, Hawking radiation, and also because of the accretion disks around it. Now, the accretion disks happen because as things approached the black hole, they approach the speed of light and as they approach the speed of light, their time relative to ours slows down.

And so basically, it's as though they become frozen in time. Eventually, they become redshifted out of view and we never actually see them enter the black hole. And so what you get around the black hole is this frozen ring of light. And you'll notice that everything is lensed because of the black holes, gravity bends, space-time. And so it's bending the light from the stars behind it. And so it appears as though it's this giant lens. So here's what it looks like approaching the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Now, the part of the black hole that you can't see anything. That is the event horizon in which no light can escape at all.

So you'll notice that as you gaze into the black hole, you can't see anything inside of it because nothing can escape it. So now here's the interesting thing. Remember that I told you a black hole and a white hole are different solutions to the same problem. So what we can do in the simulation is just flip the black hole to a white hole. And so let me do that right now, OK, I'm going to turn this giant black hole into a white hole.

And done so, the first thing you'll notice is that the accretion disk disappears from the white hole. That's because space-time itself is pushing things outward. And so in a free-falling coordinate system, you can't ever stay around it. It's always being pushed outward.

You'll notice that it still has the iron jets coming out of it, but now let's fly in towards the center of the white hall and see what happens. So you'll notice as we get closer, we still get the gravitational lensing effect. But you'll notice that there's no dark center you can see inside of the white hole.

That's because any light that is coming from the center of the singularity, the white hole is still exiting. So we can still see inside of it.

So the inside of the white hole could be another universe altogether or a different part of our universe. You can see this a little bit clearer when I put on this grid pattern and then look at the white hole so you'll notice the eye going towards the center of the white hole. Now you can see that there's almost like an entire universe inside the white hole.

So now what would happen if a black hole and a white hole were now to combine?

What happens when a black hole and a white hole combine?

Well,  the black hole just swallows up the white hole. OK, now let's see what it would look like in real life.

It's easy to believe that it would end up still being a black hole, meaning that space-time is being sucked into it.

But what about if the white hole had a larger mass than the black hole would end up being a white hole?

Or what if a black hole in a white hole had the same mass and they collided together would end up being? Well, at the heart of that question is the relationship between black holes and white holes, black holes and white holes might seem very different, but they're just two sides of the same coin. If you're going just based on gravitational effects, there's absolutely no way you can tell the difference between a black hole in a white hole. They both act the same way. Now, there are a lot of theories surrounding black holes and why holes. Some of those theories are that black holes can turn into white holes and white holes actually can turn into black holes. And at the creation of a singularity, a black hole and a white hole are actually in a quantum superposition of both of them. So it's a black-white hole until eventually one of them emerges. And the reason you have to take into consideration quantum effects is that at the center of a black hole and a white hole is a singularity. So something extremely small, smaller than an atom, all of that mass is contained at that single point.

And so quantum effects dominate. And so if you had a black hole in a white hole of the same mass that came together, I don't know whether it would be a black hole or a white hole at the end of it. White holes are purely theoretical right now. There are a few problems with the existence of white holes. The first is that they don't obey the second law of thermodynamics. Now, Einstein's theory of general relativity doesn't take into account thermodynamics. And so we can have solutions to these equations that don't necessarily have to obey the laws of thermodynamics and white holes are one of those solutions. Another reason why Whitehall's probably don't exist is that they're very unstable. So you can show the white holes will extremely fast turn right into a black hole, even if there's some way that they can be formed in the universe. But the mathematics of Einstein's field equations led us to understand black holes before we even prove they existed.

This could be the case for white holes, but we won't know until further research is done.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Interesting Technique to get fresh water


It is obvious that If you try to drink water from the ocean it will be salty. It will dehydrate you and eventually kill you. This is why no one drinks ocean water. But what happens when you have nothing else left to drink. The Emirates. It's a country with very little water. It has zero rivers. It rains 10 days a year. It is surrounded by salty ocean water and 90 percent of its groundwater is also salty. In other words, 10 million people live in the desert with not enough water to drink. Not for humans or animals.

This isn't just the Emirates. 99 percent of the world's water cannot be drunk. It's just too salty or too frozen

But for the first time, I want to show you that step by step process of how this country found water. They built the system to remove the salt from ocean water, the pressure it and they put it through a filter that traps the salt. And freshwater exits from here. This is a very complicated process.
Billions of liters of water are cleaned this way every day. Billions of liters of ocean water enter salty and leave clean

Now 90 percent of the entire country's water comes from the ocean. It is the highest in the world. Ok so we're here at a farm in the middle of the desert and I have this. This water came straight from the ocean and it was desalinated in the process. And now you can use it to feed animals feed the plants. And it's very cool. It's very warm and it's very drinkable.

That's magic. The next thing they did is even crazier. Instead of cleaning water, they created new water. And this is a true story. They used planes to release the salt to the air and the clouds. The clouds grow bigger and bigger and eventually they rain freshwater into the country. This is called cloud seeding and in 2017 they did it. Almost every single day. And when that waterfalls to the ground. They catch it. All the rainwater they collect here by building a huge dam And this freshwater is what keeps the people alive.

I don't think people appreciate this enough but this water is freshwater it's rainwater that was supposed to go to the ocean and become salty but they caught it before it went to the ocean which is a tricky process. They made this lake but most importantly you can drink this water from desalination. To cloud seeding. Two dam building

To well building. Humans are doing the impossible thing just to find awesome water. And the big idea here is simple. If we have to go and seed clouds. And do all this complicated stuff. The least we can do is to turn off the taps when not in use. Save water save life.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

What if small blackhole falls on the earth??


If somebody had a tiny little black hole and put it on Earth, what would it do to the earth? So the size of the black hole that you see in this video game would be the size of the black hole that would form if you took around 200 masses of Earth's so around 200 Earth and compress them into a black hole. But that's a little overkill. So let's instead of taking a black hole that's that big, let's take an even smaller black hole, one that only has the mass of one earth. So if we took the mass of the entire earth and compress it down into a black hole, of course, all of the mass would be contained at one point in the center. But the Swartzchild radius meaning the radius that looks black around it. It means the radius in which light can no longer escape from it as we are well known. That would be a radius of only around nine millimeters. If you took all the mass from the earth, that would create a black hole about that big. But what would happen if we had a black hole this size and dropped it down to Earth?

The answer is that both of them pull on each other with the same strength. And so the black hole doesn’t just fall towards the earth, but it pulls the earth towards it. Soon as you start dropping the black hole, it pulls the mass off the earth and goes towards the black hole.



But even all of the mass that starts getting pulled towards the tiny black hole doesn't go inside of it. And the reason is that let's say it's falling towards the earth and a bunch of mass is going towards it. The problem is, there's a bunch of solid mass trying to get into a whole only about this size and all the mass tries to rush or pulled inside the black hole. The pressure increases greatly because it's a sphere. The mass has to get closer to it but to get closer to it. It has to compress down because it's coming from a big radius and trying to go to a smaller radius. Eventually what happens is the nuclei of atoms get so close together that they can start to undergo nuclear reactions. And those nuclear reactions caused an outward pressure. Everything starts exploding outward and nuclear reaction and pushing everything outward. So the black holes trying to suck everything in and everything else is trying to explode outward because it got too close together. So first the earth would get ripped apart by the black hole and then is that Mass tried to go in the black hole. It would get too close together and cause a reaction that would cause everything to explode outward, and that explosion outward would push the Earth away from it, and a nuclear explosion would occur. But some of that mass would fall back to the black hole But the problem is the black hole is tiny compared to the mass spread out around it, and so most likely it's going to miss the black hole, so it's just going to go towards it to start orbiting around it now.

The Earth, when it was spinning, has a lot of angular momentum may be more than the speed of light. And that's not possible. So, it's theoretically impossible. For all of the mass that was on the earth to go into that black hole, it would have to be exploded outward, and only a little bit could go in it. So there's a limiting rate at which things can even enter the black hole because as they try to get towards it, the pressure increases so much that it wants to explode outward. So it kind of has to go through these frictional forces. Because of the angular momentum, it would blow the earth away, and only a tiny amount of the earth would end up inside the black hole. But one thing is sure that a tiny black hole this size dropped at the Earth would destroy the Earth.


(If 1 mm black hole appears on the earth)

once the famous astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it briskly that if a black hole visits us, the solar system would have a bad day. But we're used to thinking that black holes are somewhere far away in other parts of the universe. But what if one of them appears on our doorstep? Physicists asked a similar question in 2000 and eight when the Large Hadron Collider was launched. Then many scientists, among whom was also Stephen Hawking, had the greatest fear on the planet about black holes. He feared that the greatest invention of mankind could create a multitude of microscopic black holes that would swallow everything around, and we would cease to exist forever, However, more than 10 years have passed since then, and if you're watching this video, it means that the Large Hadron Collider works quietly away by itself and doesn't create any dangerous piece, is capable of destroying the earth, or is that just for now, in fact, to produce a mini black hole, you need 1 15 times more energy than the Large Hadron Collider can withstand. But even if we manage to use such a huge amount of energy to create a micro black hole, we would need to work with the fourth dimension in space. But suppose we miraculously managed to create a microscopic black hole in our limited and wretched three-D world. I hastened to upset those who are looking forward to the apocalypse. It would have to be postponed for some time, but in this case, the mini black hole is most likely to instantly evaporate, thanks to so-called Hawking radiation. After all, black holes do not Onley absorb energy but also given away. Blacks holes are attacking our blue planet for billions of years.

The mass of individual black holes could reach up to 100 tons, but their size isn't more than an atom. Such a small diameter gives rise to a correspondingly small event horizon Ah, a hypothetical line beyond which space and time are bent and matter begins to be absorbed and tourney apart by atoms. For this reason, the mini black hole effect even the bacteria. But even if it starts to eat the blue planet which we are staying on, it would take a very long time. Several billion years. In fact, by this time, humanity is likely to have become extinct, or else it would have found another place of residents in the universe. However, if the diameter of a mini black hole increases to a size visible to the naked eye, events would turn out completely differently.


We won't baffle your brains with complex calculations from a strange world of higher physics But according to calculations, a black hole with a diameter of one millimeter would have a mass of more than five lunar masses combined, which is about 11% of the Earth's mass. The scale of the influence of a black hole depends on where it's located on the surface of the earth or in the center of the planet, or the room of someone. Suppose that a black monster one millimeter in size is located on the surface of the earth. The sphere of influence of a black hole would be about a third of the Earth's radius, about 1, 320 miles. That's 2124 kilometers. It increases the gravity of the earth affecting the orbit of the moon.




If the moon only changes its course and remains alive, another and more terrible fate would await us, and all matter close to this monster. If we were close, we wouldn't be tor NTEU pieces, and it would happen so quickly that we wouldn't have time to blink and I having settled with us, the black hole would purposefully move to the center of the earth and nothing, and no one can stop it. Without common obstacles, it would absorb everything and reached the center of the earth in just 42 minutes, this insatiable monster passing through the core of the Earth, and at about the same time it would reach the other side of the surface. But the black hole wouldn't standstill. If it's relative speed is at least 12 kilometers or 7.5 miles per second, it would rotate around the Earth along with its sphere of gravitational influence. With each circle, the earth would lose mass. Thus, the black hole absorbs the crust and most of the mantle. It means our destruction and destruction of all life on the surface of the earth. The gas would twist into a gravitational spiral-like sugar during the creation of cotton candy, and our planet would turn into just a broken disc of hot stone. The material of the forming disk would produce a lot of heat. It's assumed that it would have a temperature of about 60 Kelvin approximately, like the Earth's core or the surface of the sun. Because the disk would be radiating as a black hole. The black hole would suck the radiation off our planet.

Then the mass of the earth would increase significantly but there may be a change in the shape of the planet. It would probably be similar to the fall of the legendary Pompeii, which was wiped out by burning lava on Lee on a cosmic scale. In just a few hours, the beautiful and densely populated blue planet would turn into an uninhabited shred of space where Onley, the collapsing crust, lava, and hot gasses would rain. It would lead to frequent collisions for a million years in the solar system to complete chaos with the highest entropy due to the collapsing of the asteroid belt. There would be no place for life due to such havoc. These are Onley's terrible assumptions and theories, but they're still far from us. But for now, you can safely allow billions of mini black holes to permeate you without fear of breaking into Adam's, although it would look kind of spectacular.




Friday, November 20, 2020

The future of the earth. How long humans last??


The big questions today include if you traveled 10,000 years into the future, what would Planet Earth look like?

would most of its surface be covered in volcanoes or steam? Or ice??

What if you traveled even further to 1 million years in the future? Would all of the oceans have evaporated? Or would it have become one giant Waterworld?

Okay, now, what about 1 billion years?

Would there be any humans left? Or settle on another earth??

This is what if, and here's what would happen if you traveled 1 billion years into the future?

Several key existential threats face the human race. And if we want to be around in 1 billion years, we'll need to endure them all. We have struggled a lot just to survive pandemic COVID-19. This is only an atom thing compared to the future of the planet. Can we imagine the earth with the threats of climate change, overpopulation, hotter sun, and many other factors??

Just under 10,000 years from now, we're going to run into a big problem called the Decca Millennium bug. It means Software encoding the ad calendar year won't encode dates with more than four decimals in the year 10,000 AD and on the bright side, in 10,000 years, it is estimated that genetic differences and traits between humans species will no longer be regional traits. It means skin and hair color will be evenly distributed around the world. Maybe that will help us all get along. Finally,20,000 years into the future, none of the current languages will be recognizable future languages will only contain 1% of the core vocabulary words of their present-day counterparts.

50,000 years from now we'll mark a new glacial period for the earth, which will start a new Ice Age. Niagara Falls will erode Lake Erie wholly. And interestingly, a full day on earth will also increase by one second at this point. So much more time for activities.

In 250,000 years, the low E volcano will rise above the water and it is estimated to form a new island in Hawaii.

And in 500,000 years, an asteroid with a diameter greater than one kilometer will likely hit Earth unless we can prevent it. The resulting crater will be more than 400 kilometers across which is very huge. It will start fires all over the planet and make the air unbreathable affecting all the ecosystems. So there's something to look forward to.

And in case that's not enough, in 1 million years, we'll likely have another supervolcano eruption large enough to spew out 3200 cubic kilometers of ash, it would produce enough lava to fill 75% of the Grand Canyon. The nearby star Beetlejuice will have exploded into a supernova by this time making it visible from Earth even during the daytime.

In 2 million years, humanity will have settlements throughout the solar system. It also means that humans if existed on another earth would have muted or evolved to another species.

It is predicted that in 10 million years, a huge part of Eastern Africa will break off and form a new ocean basin.

In 50 million years Africa will collide with Eurasia, and a new mountain range will a form will be closing off the Mediterranean Sea between them which may be taller than Mt. Everest which lies now in Nepal.

It is estimated that out in space, Mars will collide with its moon, resulting in it developing a ring system like Saturn's.

In 60 and 80  million years, the Canadian and American The rockies will have eroded completely and all Hawaiian Islands will be below the oceans respectively.

In 100 million years, an asteroid similar to the one that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago will likely hit Earth, one that is 10 kilometers wide.

In 200, and 50 million years, all of Earth's continents will be fused like Pangea, except this time, it will be called Pangea ultimate, but don't get too attached to it. Because in 400 to 500 million years Pangea Ultima will separate again.

In 500, to 600 million years, a gamma-ray burst will likely occur within 6500 light-years from Earth. It could trigger mass extinction by destructing the ozone layer if it strikes the blue planet.

The moon will be so far from Earth, that total solar eclipses won't take place after 600 million years.

And the sun's increasing luminosity will have raised temperatures on earth so much that it could halt plate tectonics movement.

In 800 million years, carbon dioxide levels will drop dramatically, and photosynthesis will no longer be possible.

Complex life on earth will die because free oxygen and ozone will be gone from the atmosphere.

And finally, in 1 billion years, the sun's luminosity will have increased by 10%. And the average temperature on earth will be 47 degrees Celsius. and our oceans will evaporate, leaving just pockets of water at each of the poles and our atmosphere will feel like a damp greenhouse which would seem a pity compared to today's world.

When you arrive here in your time machine, be mentally prepared to take on planet earth that looks nothing like the one you remember.

The human race will be gone.

Because of the intense heat, lack of water, and lack of breathable air, the earth will be uninhabitable.

Maybe we'll find other forms of intelligent life through research.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why you are attracted to the people despite the physical appearance?

 Many people lose their confidence if they don't fall into the current beauty standard. They want perfect weight, perfect skin, perfect hips, perfect body.

Though we get attracted to the perfect things at first sight, in reality, that’s not how it goes. Imperfect ones do get attracted. There is good news to them because it's not only the physical beauty or physical body structure that’s responsible for attraction. The attraction goes beyond the beauty standard.


It is your science that works much harder than your eyes. According to scientists, the moment you feel attracted to somebody other than the loops, you subconsciously check out their genes, hormones, energy type, personality, cultural and religious backgrounds, and many more things.


After you meet the person, your nose picks up on natural chemical signals known as pheromones. And here is something great men and women like each other differently based on smell. men get a testosterone boost when they smell an ovulating woman while women like the smell of men whose MHC molecules differed from them. This is because they want to choose a partner who can provide them with a stronger baby and different MHC molecules mean a stronger immune system. You may think this sounds crazy, but we all make these decisions subconsciously. And that's why often someone you find attractive doesn't look attractive to your friends. In attraction. Hormones play a huge role in creating your type. Dopamine people are attracted to other dopamine people serotonin people that are affected to set a tone in people testosterone, people are very analytical and tapping out attracted to their opposite, which are the estrogen oxytocin people who have more imaginative and nurturing traits. In other words, a dopamine person will often choose a dopamine person over a highly attractive testosterone person.

Forget the beauty standards and be confident truth is the world of attraction is incredibly diverse. You cannot change the way you look. But you can change the way you see yourself. Look at it. As you look at taste in music. Some people will like this. And some were like this. But that doesn't mean that one genre is better than the other. And speaking of taste in music, another thing that makes you attracted to some people instead of boys. The research shows men prefer a female voice type that indicates a small body like high pitched and breathy while females prefer a low-pitched voice that indicates a large body size. Yet once again, just as it's with a taste for music, many other factors make us attracted to others like their accent, for example.

we need to stop believing in the beauty standards because media pushes one specific loop people to start losing their own identities. Many even lose confidence because they look different.

There are countless ways you can be attractive to someone no matter how you look. Whether it's your smell, your hormones, your voice, or even your past experiences,  everyone can be beautiful to someone.




Monday, November 16, 2020

Are the black holes really black or invisible?


The blackest paint available on the market today is called Black 2.0. So the reason this appears black is that all visible light is coming in and getting absorbed by the black paint, and almost no visible light is returning to your eyes. So when the photoreceptors in our eye see a spot that has no light coming from it, it just is an absence of a signal. And so it appears black to us lack is the absence of color or the absence of any light. But what does invisible mean? Well, invisible doesn't mean the absence of light, it just means that you don't notice that something is there. So for example, Carol syrup and glass have about the same refractive index. And so light travels through it at about the same speed. And so that means that they bend light about the same, which means that any light coming through from the background gets bent about the same way. And so that means when you stick to glass and caramel syrup, it becomes invisible.  So the glass invisible simply because it lit the background glass through at the same rate as the liquid that it was in. And also it bent the light the same way that the liquid bent the light, so we cant tell it is there.                                                                                                      So for something to be invisible, it doesn't mean that there's no light getting to your eyes. There's a lot of light getting to your eyes, and it's all coming from the background. Talking about what a black hole, it is made of matter, just like anything else that you can touch and feel in the universe. But a black hole is a little bit different because it's been compressed very tightly. So with any large object in space, like the earth, two main forces are competing against each other. The first force is gravity, which is always pulling and compressing everything together is the only force that's always attractive. So gravity is always pulling everything together. But the electromagnetic force on the electrons around the molecules and atoms are always repelling each other. So it kind of comes into a balance, gravity pulls everything together, and then the electromagnetic force pushes everything apart, and it stays like that. But because the more mass you have, the more gravity you have from every particle pulling each other together, it means that you can reach a critical point. And that critical point means that there's a point when you get enough mass packed together, that the gravity can overcome the electromagnetic repulsion of the atoms and molecules. And so if you pack enough mass together, then gravity will just keep pulling on and pulling on and pulling on it until the electrons get closer and closer together. But there's a problem because, in physics, there's a rule that states that two electrons can't be in the same state in the same location at the same time. And so if you try to pack electrons together, they can't do it. And so they exert pressure called degeneracy pressure. And that's what a white dwarf is. And so white dwarf is when the gravity has balanced with the degeneracy pressure of the electrons in a star. And so it stops collapsing. But then if you pack even more mass into it, the gravity keeps pulling it closer and closer together so that eventually the electrons come so close to the protons and the atoms that they interact with the protons. And when an electron and a proton get close enough together, it can form a neutron. And so if you get enough mass together, it comes close together due to that strong force of gravity, then now all the atoms with their protons, neutrons, and electrons just become this sea of neutrons. And this is called a neutron star. And it's extremely dense, but it's not a black hole yet, and a neutron star supported about the same way that a white dwarf is because there's a rule in physics that also says that two neutrons can't be in the same state at the same time in the same location that exerts an outward pressure that keeps the neutron star from collapsing on itself. But then if you pack even more mass onto it, not even the neutron degeneracy pressure can keep the star from imploding on itself, and it becomes a black hole. So basically any star after it explodes into a supernova. If the core leftover is 2.5 times larger than the mass of our Sun, it will have enough mass to collapse into a black hole. And so a black hole is a singularity. One single point where all mass all matter in the entire star has collapsed into one single point because there's nothing that can hold it back after it collapses tighter and tighter together. because gravity gets stronger and stronger, the closer the particles are together. And so once masses collapse into a black hole, there's absolutely nothing that can escape from the inside of the black hole to the outside world. Not even light So not only can its light, not escape from the black hole, but any light that's coming from around the black hole will also fall into the black hole and be absorbed into it.

Are black holes black? Well, by our definition, does a black hole absorb all visible light? Well, yes, it does. Not only does it absorb all visible light, but it gives off no light whatsoever, no visible light, no infrared light, nothing. So a black hole is the blackest black possible in the universe. So there's a certain radius around a black hole called the event horizon. And this is the radius around the black hole, in which if something passes, it cannot return from the black hole. And so basically, there's this sphere around the black hole called the event horizon, from which no light can escape, and all light going into it is absorbed. So even though the mass of a black hole is contained in a singularity, meaning an infinitesimally small point, the event horizon has a definite diameter, and that's the part that appears black.

One of the first ways they were able to test Einstein's theory of relativity is by watching how the sun bent the light from a distant star. Well, a black hole is black, and a black hole can be invisible depending on what's behind it. If an Earth is behind the black hole, then obviously you can see the black hole, but if there's nothing behind the black hole to see the black, then all you see is black on a black background, and then the black hole is invisible. So a black hole is black, and sometimes it's invisible depending on what's behind it, everyone.



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Scientific Reasons behind the Hindu Traditions


Scientific Reasons behind the Hindu Traditions

Remember! Science is extracted from the Hindu religion afterwards. It implies that Hindu Religion is beyond the science. Here are a list of practices which are scientific.

1.    Namaste

While joining both hands, tips of fingers are touched and finger tips are linked with pressure points of eyes, ear and mind. Doing Namaste activates the pressure points and helps remember the persons for a long time.


2.    Toe rings

Nerve from uterus is linked with toe. While wearing rings, pressure point is activated which helps in healthy supply of blood and regulating the menstrual flow in the women.


3.    Tika

The spot where we put tika is a major nerve point in human body. Putting tika ensures the retaining the energy preventing the loss of energy and thus helps in concentration. Gesture by tika on mid region of the forehead ensures good blood supply to the facial muscles.


4.    Bells in the temples

Sound of bell bring unity in left and right brain. This sound clears the negative energy surrounding to it and improves concentration while doing other works.


5.    Throwing coins in the river

Previously, coins were made up of copper mostly and throwing in the river ensures the sufficient intake of copper mineral during drinking water.


6.    Sleeping position not to the north

If our head is placed towards the north during sleeping than our body’s magnetic field becomes asymmetrical to the earth’s magnetic field which causes difficulty in breathing to overcome the energy, heart problems, dreaming of snakes and dangerous things through sub conscious mind.


7.    Piercing Ears

It helps in the intellectual thinking and decision making in women.


8.    Fasting

It indicates the regular cleansing of toxic materials and body mechanism is restored to its normal.


9.    Touching the feet’s of elders

It indicates the complete of circuit between two people which denotes good and quick mutual connection due to positive energy flow between the people.


10.Putting sindur

It is the mixture of turmeric lime and metal mercury. The mixture property controls blood pressure and activates sexual drive. So it is applied just above the pituitary glands where our all feelings are centered.


11. Wearing “CHURA” or bangles

It maintains blood circulation level and body charge due to friction.


12.Wearing Janai or doro

The sacred thread activates the pressure points of various internal organs keeping them regulated and healthy.


13.Putting Janai above the ear during excretion

It causes the pressure point of seminiferous tubules to activate and prevents loss of sperm cells during excreting urine.


14.Putting Dhup in Poojas

It freshens the air surrounding to it and purifies it. Furthermore it minimizes the CFCs. It provides healthy environment and kills the harmful germ and insects.



Using proper mehendi by women helps to get relief from stress and burdens making the body cool.


16.Sitting and eating instead of tables and chairs

This body position enables the proper digestion of food and calms the body.


17.Worshipping Peepal and Tulsi

They are the best oxygen providers which helps in physical and mental health.


18. Om mantra

Om is the best vibrational word of the universe. It brings concentration and sense of alertness. Sound emanated by chanting OHM mantra arranges atomic particles in our body in a more symmetric way. Thus it helps in having greater positive energy. This helps in increase of concentration, problem solving capacity, release of stress on the mind and increases peace of mind. After all greater the symmetry greater is the stability.


Saturday, May 30, 2020



Geeta Gist


1. Duty is not a duty if you desire your profits while doing social welfare in any way.

2. The river of desires overwhelms the ordinary man without absorbing anything. The perfect man, however, can absorb it and still not cross his limits. Arjun! Become like the sea. Sea is knowledgeable. So be it. Arjun= all of us

3. Basically and more importantly there are two types of people in the world

Mediators, who search for God within themselves. This is the path of knowledge.

Doers, who Try to attain God through actions.

Both are actions. There is no freedom for action.

4. The ordinary man is prey to temptation. This is the aim of his awakening. His thoughts are selfish.

But Perfect man's thoughts are selfless. He is beyond selfishness, hunger, and thirst. He doesn’t think of the fallen fruit but the tree.

5. The ordinary man needs fuel for his survival in the blue planet. He'll go on cutting trees till the forest is destroyed. The perfect man thinks of the importance of forests, about the balance of nature and the relation of forests and seasons.

6. The perfect man is also interested in solutions that's why we say wise man always goes for solutions. This is what separates him from an ordinary man.

7. The perfect man doesn’t suppress the senses but controls them, gives directions to the actions.Wise and perfect man realizes his options. Also, he knows how to organize them during the time of need.

8. Action is essential for salvation.

9. A person's life becomes valueless if he does not take part in the life cycle.

10. The desire for the reward is the real obstacle for the person. It is the real millstone around the neck. Desire to something is the greatest enemy of all. This causes the person reasonable for profit and loss. Life can be spent in action without desire.

11. We need to realize that Society is not a part of us. We are a part of it. So, your prime duty is the people's welfare.  Actions for the peoples good is your salvation. Selfish action is a sin.

12. Why a man is compelled to sin?

Lust, selfishness, anger, and temptation compels him to do so. We should recognize these 4 enemies. Desire, anger, and lust cloak knowledge.

13. The power of the senses is no doubt greater but greater than that is the mind. But soul> mind. Worry about the soul. Take it beyond the senses and mind.

14. Why does truth suffer?

Truth suffers when a man cannot avoid temptation. I desire no reward, so my action is not contaminated.- Lord Krishna

15. after the actions True man does not wait for a reward, he moves to the next action. The fire of his knowledge burns anger, temptation, ambition, pain, sorrow, loss which purifies his actions.

karma=  ACTIONS

No desire for the fruit of every action (MAKES TRUE AND PERFECT MAN AND ACHIEVE SALVATION)

16. Worship and offerings

 Everyone has the right to worship. Some worship Lord Brahma, Some do pujas to please gods, some do souls unification with god =SADHAAK.

Offerings and worships are 4 types

Dravya (dhan) – Wealth is used for society and the welfare of peoples.

TAPO- When a person makes his actions his penance (TAPASYA).

YOG- Meditation.

 GYAN, knowledge- Knowledge frees the man from temptations and desires.

The world is the realm of your actions. You'll be judged by your actions. Do not run away from actions. Duty is our religion.

He who has either faith or knowledge, he who is forever in doubt, is lost all the time. Such a person never becomes happy neither on earth nor in heaven and doubts make him so. We should get rid of the doubt.

17. Reason for Illusions

His ignorance covers his wisdom. 

18. He who can control his ego, mind, and senses will be his friend. Those who are controlled by the senses they ll become his enemy.

19. Soul never dies

20. We should try to be perfect and wise man and that's the reason for our lives. We shouldn't say that we can't be perfect and do nothing. There are millions of rooms to improve any person. Be wise, therefore.


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