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Sunday, November 22, 2020

What if small blackhole falls on the earth??


If somebody had a tiny little black hole and put it on Earth, what would it do to the earth? So the size of the black hole that you see in this video game would be the size of the black hole that would form if you took around 200 masses of Earth's so around 200 Earth and compress them into a black hole. But that's a little overkill. So let's instead of taking a black hole that's that big, let's take an even smaller black hole, one that only has the mass of one earth. So if we took the mass of the entire earth and compress it down into a black hole, of course, all of the mass would be contained at one point in the center. But the Swartzchild radius meaning the radius that looks black around it. It means the radius in which light can no longer escape from it as we are well known. That would be a radius of only around nine millimeters. If you took all the mass from the earth, that would create a black hole about that big. But what would happen if we had a black hole this size and dropped it down to Earth?

The answer is that both of them pull on each other with the same strength. And so the black hole doesn’t just fall towards the earth, but it pulls the earth towards it. Soon as you start dropping the black hole, it pulls the mass off the earth and goes towards the black hole.



But even all of the mass that starts getting pulled towards the tiny black hole doesn't go inside of it. And the reason is that let's say it's falling towards the earth and a bunch of mass is going towards it. The problem is, there's a bunch of solid mass trying to get into a whole only about this size and all the mass tries to rush or pulled inside the black hole. The pressure increases greatly because it's a sphere. The mass has to get closer to it but to get closer to it. It has to compress down because it's coming from a big radius and trying to go to a smaller radius. Eventually what happens is the nuclei of atoms get so close together that they can start to undergo nuclear reactions. And those nuclear reactions caused an outward pressure. Everything starts exploding outward and nuclear reaction and pushing everything outward. So the black holes trying to suck everything in and everything else is trying to explode outward because it got too close together. So first the earth would get ripped apart by the black hole and then is that Mass tried to go in the black hole. It would get too close together and cause a reaction that would cause everything to explode outward, and that explosion outward would push the Earth away from it, and a nuclear explosion would occur. But some of that mass would fall back to the black hole But the problem is the black hole is tiny compared to the mass spread out around it, and so most likely it's going to miss the black hole, so it's just going to go towards it to start orbiting around it now.

The Earth, when it was spinning, has a lot of angular momentum may be more than the speed of light. And that's not possible. So, it's theoretically impossible. For all of the mass that was on the earth to go into that black hole, it would have to be exploded outward, and only a little bit could go in it. So there's a limiting rate at which things can even enter the black hole because as they try to get towards it, the pressure increases so much that it wants to explode outward. So it kind of has to go through these frictional forces. Because of the angular momentum, it would blow the earth away, and only a tiny amount of the earth would end up inside the black hole. But one thing is sure that a tiny black hole this size dropped at the Earth would destroy the Earth.


(If 1 mm black hole appears on the earth)

once the famous astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it briskly that if a black hole visits us, the solar system would have a bad day. But we're used to thinking that black holes are somewhere far away in other parts of the universe. But what if one of them appears on our doorstep? Physicists asked a similar question in 2000 and eight when the Large Hadron Collider was launched. Then many scientists, among whom was also Stephen Hawking, had the greatest fear on the planet about black holes. He feared that the greatest invention of mankind could create a multitude of microscopic black holes that would swallow everything around, and we would cease to exist forever, However, more than 10 years have passed since then, and if you're watching this video, it means that the Large Hadron Collider works quietly away by itself and doesn't create any dangerous piece, is capable of destroying the earth, or is that just for now, in fact, to produce a mini black hole, you need 1 15 times more energy than the Large Hadron Collider can withstand. But even if we manage to use such a huge amount of energy to create a micro black hole, we would need to work with the fourth dimension in space. But suppose we miraculously managed to create a microscopic black hole in our limited and wretched three-D world. I hastened to upset those who are looking forward to the apocalypse. It would have to be postponed for some time, but in this case, the mini black hole is most likely to instantly evaporate, thanks to so-called Hawking radiation. After all, black holes do not Onley absorb energy but also given away. Blacks holes are attacking our blue planet for billions of years.

The mass of individual black holes could reach up to 100 tons, but their size isn't more than an atom. Such a small diameter gives rise to a correspondingly small event horizon Ah, a hypothetical line beyond which space and time are bent and matter begins to be absorbed and tourney apart by atoms. For this reason, the mini black hole effect even the bacteria. But even if it starts to eat the blue planet which we are staying on, it would take a very long time. Several billion years. In fact, by this time, humanity is likely to have become extinct, or else it would have found another place of residents in the universe. However, if the diameter of a mini black hole increases to a size visible to the naked eye, events would turn out completely differently.


We won't baffle your brains with complex calculations from a strange world of higher physics But according to calculations, a black hole with a diameter of one millimeter would have a mass of more than five lunar masses combined, which is about 11% of the Earth's mass. The scale of the influence of a black hole depends on where it's located on the surface of the earth or in the center of the planet, or the room of someone. Suppose that a black monster one millimeter in size is located on the surface of the earth. The sphere of influence of a black hole would be about a third of the Earth's radius, about 1, 320 miles. That's 2124 kilometers. It increases the gravity of the earth affecting the orbit of the moon.




If the moon only changes its course and remains alive, another and more terrible fate would await us, and all matter close to this monster. If we were close, we wouldn't be tor NTEU pieces, and it would happen so quickly that we wouldn't have time to blink and I having settled with us, the black hole would purposefully move to the center of the earth and nothing, and no one can stop it. Without common obstacles, it would absorb everything and reached the center of the earth in just 42 minutes, this insatiable monster passing through the core of the Earth, and at about the same time it would reach the other side of the surface. But the black hole wouldn't standstill. If it's relative speed is at least 12 kilometers or 7.5 miles per second, it would rotate around the Earth along with its sphere of gravitational influence. With each circle, the earth would lose mass. Thus, the black hole absorbs the crust and most of the mantle. It means our destruction and destruction of all life on the surface of the earth. The gas would twist into a gravitational spiral-like sugar during the creation of cotton candy, and our planet would turn into just a broken disc of hot stone. The material of the forming disk would produce a lot of heat. It's assumed that it would have a temperature of about 60 Kelvin approximately, like the Earth's core or the surface of the sun. Because the disk would be radiating as a black hole. The black hole would suck the radiation off our planet.

Then the mass of the earth would increase significantly but there may be a change in the shape of the planet. It would probably be similar to the fall of the legendary Pompeii, which was wiped out by burning lava on Lee on a cosmic scale. In just a few hours, the beautiful and densely populated blue planet would turn into an uninhabited shred of space where Onley, the collapsing crust, lava, and hot gasses would rain. It would lead to frequent collisions for a million years in the solar system to complete chaos with the highest entropy due to the collapsing of the asteroid belt. There would be no place for life due to such havoc. These are Onley's terrible assumptions and theories, but they're still far from us. But for now, you can safely allow billions of mini black holes to permeate you without fear of breaking into Adam's, although it would look kind of spectacular.




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